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Important Notice: Essential system upgrades will be taking place between Saturday 11th May at 9:00am to Sunday 12th May at 3:00pm. During this time, you will be unable to register as a new customer, place orders for products and services or update your personal profile. Exams booked for this period will be unaffected and can be accessed via My CII Dashboard.

Choose Chartered

Why choose a chartered firm?

As the professional body for insurance and personal finance, we award corporate Chartered status to insurance and financial advice firms who make a public commitment to aligned ethics and values, provide knowledgeable advice backed up by qualifications and continued professional development.

Choose Chartered campaign

By choosing Chartered, you are choosing a business that has reached an objective standard of technical knowledge and conduct, a business that will follow good practice and ensure their skills are up to date with market standards. Learn more by clicking on the pages below.